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Sunday, January 17, 2010


My personal favorite Digimon. Sharing the same nickname as me "Gato" Gatomon is a Champion in the Digivolution chain despite its size. Magnadramon is the last Digimon that Gatomon will Digivolve into, and Nyaromon was the very first of this Digivolution chain. Gatomon is a cat Digimon, and is ghost white with purple on the tip of it's ears, and striped up the tail. The thing that stands out the most of Gatomon is his two front feet as they aren't purple nor white, but green and red with big black claws making it appear as though they are dinosaur feet, which gives me the impression that Magnadramon (top of Digivolution chain of this particular Digimon) is most likely a dinosaur.

Nyaromon is a green ball with a tail which is striped purple, so that could be where the green feet came from, but where did the red stripes come from? To this day, I still don't know, and something else that really gets me, is that Magnadramon is a 5 winged, 4 legged, 2 horned pink horse dragon thing. You heard me, a horse dragon with 5 fairy wings, 4 dragon legs, 2 mountain sheep horns, a seahorse tail, and it's pink. How on earth does a green ball with a tail turn into that?!

Something else quite confusing about this Digivolution change is that the next digilution from Gatomon is Angewomon, an armoured fairy with pink ribbons flying everywhere. A cat does NOT turn into a woman with an iron helmet and pink ribbons. Not to mention Angewomon turns into that stupid pink horse dragon. Well this really stumps me, and it will take a looong time for me to 100% figure out this chain, well, atleast it gives me something to do in math class. (Lame joke, I know.)

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